How To Order?

2 Simple STEPS to place your order(s)


1ST STEP: Order placement

Please email us the following details to

Email address:
Mobile No:
Product(s) Name
Product(s) Code:
Product Price:
Shipping Address:
Preferred Delivery Method (Pos Laju / Pos Express / Meet-up):
I have read and agreed with the Terms & Conditions before placing my order (YES or NO):

*We will get back to you within 24 hours for confirmation on the total amount (included postage charges) upon received your order.
*If there is no reply from us within 24 hours, do resend the email for it might have been missed or lost.

2ND STEP: Payment
After the confirmation, kindly make payment (cash deposit or internet banking) to our bank accounts and email transaction details / slip to Account details will be given to you via email.

Once you have done with the payment immediately notify us via email with the below information:

Payment Bank:
Date & time of payment made:

*Full payment must be made within 48 hours of receiving confirmation from us and all items will be delivered only after full payment are made.